30% OFF Tempcover fee in our app

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Protect yourself against fraud and scams

How to keep your details safe and secure

What advice would you give to help avoid insurance scams?

We are committed to helping our customers avoid scams. Our help centre offers detailed guidance on recognising and avoiding fraudulent activity, including tips for staying safe online.

We work closely with social media channels to close down fraudulent accounts. We also encourage customers to reach out to us if they have concerns or require personalised assistance.

If you suspect anything suspicious or believe you have been a victim of fraud, please email [email protected] or report the activity to Action Fraud.

What does Tempcover do to stop fraudulent activity?

Tempcover works in collaboration with our Insurance Providers to identify, locate and stop fraudulent activity. We support all cross-industry anti-fraud work and work closely with various industry organisations to create a tougher environment for fraudsters.

Find out how we can help you
Affordable cover, unbelievably fast

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30% OFF Tempcover fee when you take a policy out on the app. T&Cs apply.

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